I can't believe that I'm actually going to write a special post to mark the end of my journey that I went through in the year of 2014. I think the reason why I feel the need to make this post is because 2014 has actually been the best year that ever happened to me if I compare it to the previous years. It's not like my life doesn't mean anything before 2014, it's just that there's a lot of bad things happened to me and uncountable bad memories I don't want to remember.
I have to admit that the beginning of the year wasn't that special or amazing to the point where I can feel it's going to be a great year. I had some fights and made some mistakes but as time passed by, I guess I grew up. I learned various things from new people that I let into my life. People that I never imagined to have any connection with me yet they somehow made a special impact to shape some part of this person I am today. I know more about my friends' true colors. From the part of them that they want to hide, to the part of them that made my view on them to turn into something different and unexpected yet I managed to convince myself that they're maybe worth keeping until we grow up together.
I learned that positivity, confidence and honesty have a big influence in life. You have to let yourself to be filled with more optimism because you'll eventually realize that when you get rid of the bad vibes and negativity away, everything isn't totally corrupted like you made or imagined it to be. There's still hope for you and always will be. You have to learn to control that hidden self-doubt you have inside you and try to build your confidence. It's totally crucial in some event that you have to be involved in and a good amount of confidence can mostly help you to get through it and achieve something good. I learned that being honest about something, especially my feelings towards someone, can either take a good or a bad turn. I still have to be careful on these emotions I feel and try to control it because I'm a very emotional person. There are times where I feel nothing, then feel everything at once so I have to learn to take a grasp on it.
Also, I found out from some experiences that you can't fully trust everyone. It doesn't matter if you've known them for the longest time, you have to make sure that the person you want to share some of your problems to or vent out an unspoken emotion is willing to accept the things you're going to say. Not everyone have the same mindset as you. Not everyone is going to accept the way your mind works. Sometimes they understand, and sometimes they don't. And when they don't, you have to brace yourself for them to say something that you never expect them to say right in your face.
Education and knowledge are one of the crucial things in life. Educate yourself to be an open-minded person. Educate yourself to accept other people despite their flaws and difference. Educate yourself on anything that you're interested in. Educate yourself on anything that can make the world a better place. Educate yourself on anything that can help other people. Educate yourself on religion, language, culture and history. Educate yourself on the issues that's going on in the world and don't let them be untold. Knowledge is a great value yet most of us fail to notice this since people have always been too absorbed by appearance Truth hurts, I know.
And the most important of all, this is the year that taught me how to love myself. I don't have any idea on where I actually learn or was exposed to about this topic now until this year. I'm grateful for the effort I made to discover myself and accept any flaws I have. Loving and accepting yourself is never easy when you're so used to fill your head with negativity but trust me, the time and energy and positivity you're going to invest to learn to love yourself is worth it. I don't know how to emphasize this feeling and experience, but I'm proud and happy for myself that I managed to make it
— to accept myself. I thought I wouldn't have the chance to feel this way because I'm so used to hating myself to the point where I think I can't be happy with who I am, but look where I am now.
All in all, it has been a great journey that made me into a different person. I'm thankful and grateful for everything that I earned from God. May 2015 will bring more good memories and chance for me, and you, to learn more.