This post was supposed to be written and published a long time ago (during mid-December) but.... the usual thing happened.... I was lazy.... so here it is. The post on my vacation to Pulau Pinang with my family on 19 until 21 Dec. This post is soooo late but I still want to write it because it's a really great experience.
Day #1
We leave early on Thursday morning, and got our breakfast at a R&R. When we arrived at Penang, we were lost for a while since my parents were confused a bit on finding the way to the ferry terminal. I think that was my 2nd time to went on a ferry while my first one was when we're going to Pulau Langkawi but that was like ages ago. So, when I went to a ferry at this age, I came to realize how much I hate ferries. Like, there's nothing special and fun about it??? The service sucks like shit and it took us a really long time to get on the ferry although it's not on the weekend or a public holiday and ugh it's just a horrible experience. No wonder the adults on the ferry had this serious look on their face and just sat in their car since you're just going to get all messed up by the wind when you got outside.
When we arrived at Pulau Pinang, it was around 1 or 2 p.m where the island is at it's highest peak of temperature and it was soooo hot yet we still went around the town (while in the car of course) and got our lunch. Went to the hotel after we ate, and omg I thought that the island is kind of small, so I didn't expect a really long drive to our hotel since it's really far from the capital city. Got lost again when we're looking for the hotel. When we found the hotel and checked in, my whole family was literally stunned and amazed by the hotel since it's so pretty and cozy~
That's where the hotel rooms are located.
There's a balcony in the room when you open the sliding door.
There's also a swimming pool lol surprise.
That was the view from our hotel room in the evening and it's so beautiful~
They even have a games room there and you can use the PC for free at any limited time. (maybe the room is closed at night? idk)
Oh, and I slept right after we entered the room because I was so sleepy since I slept late the day before the trip and woke up early, so yeah. I completely indulge myself in the softness of the bed the whole evening while everyone were going out to 'explore' the place and everything felt so right at that moment when I recall back that moment, sigh.
When it's night, we went out to get dinner at this restaurant that serves Arab and Indian foods near the hotel place. My mom is somehow easily attracted to restaurant that serves Arabian food after my dad introduced it to her. The place we stayed at is located at a really convenience area. There's a petrol station across the street, some local stores and restaurants along the street, and there's also night markets so it was really fun and easy for tourists to spend the night out.
After we went to the night markets, we went to McDonald's at petrol station since everyone was tired and thirsty. We then got back to our room.
Day #2
I was the last person to woke up among my family and by the time I woke up, everyone was already outside doing their own business and they scattered at every place, which just leave me a great time to spend more time sleeping and being alone. We checked out at 2.00 p.m, and yes, we only spent a night at that hotel since it's really expensive even just for a night.
Went to a local kedai mamak that my mom wants to go to because she read that there's many good reviews about the place, so that's how we ended up having our lunch there. But wow, we were so lost and I think we just went around in circles at the capital city for a few times that afternoon just to look for that kedai mamak lol.
After that, we walked around the for a while and look at the hotels in that area. Oh, I also found this local store near the kedai mamak and omg it's so pretty!! It's really my type of store and there's no lying in that.

There's also many things upstairs too, but it's mostly flowers while the level below have more indoor items.

I thought about getting something from that store but I think it's not that necessary....
After that, we went to check in our new hotel and this time it's in the capital city area. There's nothing special about the hotel room so there's no pictures of it.
Went out again and walked around the area. My dad got this brochure on the first day we arrived there, and it's a brochure (brochure example) that have all of the street art in Penang and we had lots of fun looking for them since it's like a treasure hunt lol. We didn't found all of the street art since it's getting late and some of them are already fading and located far from our place. Went back to the hotel and get ready to have our dinner.
There's nothing special on that night except for the part where our car got clamped because idk why okay I'm still young to know about the road rules so please understand. When we got back to our room, everyone gets ready to sleep because all of us were so tired from walking for almost half of the day.
One bad experience from the hotel was that the pillow was too fucking high for my neck and head to deal with and it's just a pain to my neck and brain. And the fact that me and my sister got to sleep on the floor with a sleeping bag made it worse for me, so I ended up having a headache throughout the night because I literally think about how much I hate the pillows at the hotel.
Day #3
I didn't woke up late that day. We checked out early so we can do more activities since it's our last day at Penang. Oh, and we rent bicycles and went around the area while looking for a place to get lunch. It was so fun and I think it's one of the best experience I had.
After lunch, we went back to the place that we rent our bicycles from and then we went to stop by at my mom's friend house in Kedah, then went back home.
I'm honestly ashamed by how late and uncommitted I am when writing posts T^T bye~
Labels: holidays