I went to KLCC with my family today because of the SM Art Exhibition at Isetan, 2nd Floor @ KLCC. It's only for a limited time which starts on 1 Nov - 14 Nov, so I thought that it's better to go earlier rather than wait for the next few weeks because I'm scared if the items will be out of stock or something. Me and my sister were so thankful when my parents actually let us go there T_T
Anyways, the place was not that big and it's really crowded. Random songs from SM artists were played on this big TV screen at the entrance and there were big posters of TVXQ and EXO. We arrived at 11.00 a.m, and there's already lots of people. They organized the items according to the group, but overall, I think there were really lots of Super Junior, TVXQ and SHINee stuffs than EXO, SNSD and f(x).
Because I felt so excited and so in awe, I spent the first 10 minutes to explore every part of the place, and after that I started to choose the things that I wanted. I saw these packs of pretty SHINee members badges + 2 random badges and it cost like.... RM71+. I knew I'm going to be really careful with choosing the stuffs there after I saw that. Even those dumb yellow/orange pencils with the pink rubber at the end of the pencil with "XOXO" written on it cost like RM16 each and I just- ಥ⌣ಥ why SM why
I'm just going to upload some pictures of what I bought there because I don't want to go on about how expensive the items were.

The EXO (mine) and SHINee folder (my sister's) cost RM67 each and the EXO clear cup cost RM71. Our purchase in total was RM205 (JUST FOR FREAKING THREE ITEMS ʘ‿ʘ DAMNIT TAXES). Every purchase of RM200 and above will get 1 free available posters of our choice, so me and my sister purposely add the clear cup to make it RM200+ just to get the EXO poster pmsl. Thank God that my mom was in a good mood and kind enough to let us bought a purchase over RM200.
The lady that was in charge of managing the free posters were Korean and she said that EXO is really famous in Korea and she's really nice and pretty and yea I just talked about a random Korean staff.
I wanted to buy this SHINee polaroid pack but I think that the price is too expensive just for some stacks of polaroid pictures. I also wanted to buy this notebook which have each SHINee members on the cover and it cost like, RM27 or something, but then I thought that I'm probably not going to use it, so nope.
Before I went there, I actually thought to buy some EXO items for my friends, but because of the prices and there's like not that many choice to buy for them, I didn't buy anything for them. So if any of my friends are actually that smart to found this blog, I'm sorry for not buying you guys anything T_T
After we left the place, we went to the food court to get our lunch. Then, we went to Kinokuniya because my sister is in a state where she's in a desperate need for a new novel to read. At first I wanted to buy this book which have poetry that's related to break-ups but daaayum it's RM67 for a small book and I don't want to let out these feelings of guilt and sad to control over me, so I decided to buy a book titled Insomnia by Stephen King. Oh, I also bought a new sticker!

When I first saw this, the first thing that went on my mind was, Naz. And to be really honest, I actually bought it because everything about it reminds me of Naz because she always draw poops on papers or anyone's table lmao you loser.
After that, we went to Isetan back to get some drinks but we didn't get any because we got distracted by looking at the Korean foods that were promoted because of the Korean Fever event.
And that's it for this post, bye~