First of all, read the last post first if you want to know what I'm going to talk about in this post. And second, I just want to say that this entry should be posted yesterday but I have no time to write it because I was doing some research (I'm serious. I spent hours on Google before I go to school (someone shoot me ._.). And the thing I was searching for hours is really not that bad or "a waste of time", so yeah.)

I was rushing to go to school because I was scared if the program already started or if I suddenly missed some infos that the teacher was going to tell us. There's the students from the morning session at the anjung when I arrived. Turns out that we need to be divided into groups for the program (morning session students + evening session students = 1 group). After we're divided into groups, the teacher told us to get our lunch which were prepared at the canteen.
After we grabbed our lunch and all of the students that were involved in the program arrived, we're told to sit in our groups. Then, the teacher gave the leader of each group to give this paper that has the Japanese students' names. So that means that we're not the one that can pick the student out of their name list or anything as I was told in the previous post. And it turns out that I got a Japanese girl student.
I was a guide to Ena Yamamoto, and I call her Ena. She is 15, which is one year older than me and I was rather shock when she said that because she look like she's the same age as me because her body look small. She's not that shy or anything but because of the language barrier between us, or probably everyone that was involved in the program, it's hard for us to communicate with each other. And I was rather disappointed in this, but it's okay though since I still have a lot of fun. She told me that she likes K-pop and she told me her favourite group is Girls Generation. She told me that she only like their music, so she doesn't care that much about the members.
And when the Japanese students arrived and gathered at the anjung, me and my friends (+thousands or hundreds of girls at my school) saw this reaaaaally handsome guy student and he is just- let's just say that he makes me go gdsjagkaGdsga because omg I can't even function right even if I'm 15 metres away from him. He was obviously a blood-mixed person since you can totally see this Eurasian look that he has.
My group consisted of 4 Japanese guy students and 5 Japanese girl students. One of the guy student looked like Xiumin from EXO, so me and Hazimah just decided to call him the Xiumin guy which is some sort of nickname we gave him secretly because he have Minseok's eyes and cheeks :3 And there's this couple which look really cute because the girl have this fun and cheerful kind of attitude while her boyfriend looks rather cold and doesn't talk to people much. And that guy kind of reminds me and Hazimah of Kris because of how he hold his bag and because of his height. Although he's not as tall as Kris, we still think that his height is kind of near to Kris..... but maybe it's just that because we're short ;~;
So, my group decided to take them on a tour around our school. We showed them the Music Room which is literally empty except for the keyboard and guitar which we don't even know where those instruments came from because as I said, our Music Room is literally empty. And then we went to the assembly site or dataran because some of them agreed to play basketball although it's going to rain and getting dark....
And Sabrina was the guide to Daichi, while Nazihah was the guide to Takada. I don't know what's both of their age are but they seem to look like they're 15-16 years old. Oh and there's this incident that happened to Daichi while we're in the Art Room to show them the process of making a batik. The teacher that is handling the batik activity showed him how to make the designs or patterns using a specific tool and melted candle, so it became a wax. He looks excited so he tried it out on how to make it. While he was making the patterns on the white cloth, the candle wax suddenly dripped down from the tool and it got to one of his finger. The candle wax is REALLY HOT because you need to use the candle wax while it was still boiling. And he said, "Ahh, HOT HOT" and I think it's kind of cute on how he pronounce his English ;__; And then Nazihah asked him to follow her to the sink which is in the Art Room to cool down his finger a little bit.

This is Daichi.

This is before Daichi's finger got burned. The one in grey shirt is Takada, me and Hazimah decide to call him "Nazihah's baby" whenever we want to talk about Takada at Naz. For example, we'll change it to "Naz, we think that your baby is not feeling well". Oh my God.

This is after Daichi and Takada went to talk with the other Japanese guy students at the back of the class. She look like she had fun doing those doodles or drawings. Daichi and Takada made the 2 flowers and the girl made the Japanese writings and that girl doodle. We were beside her when she made that, and then she suddenly asked Naz what's her name and when Naz told her, she wrote Nazihah's name in Japanese. And then she asked me, Sabrina and Naz. And then she drew this cute heart at the back of our names. I think it's really nice of her because she keep it equal so we won't feel left out c':

The one at the right is Ena and the one at the left is Maekawa. Hazimah is the guide to Maekawa but they barely talk to each other ._.
And after that, we went to the anjung to do more activies such as playing the terompah gergasi, sumpit and skipping rope. And after we did the indoor sports, and after the rain had stopped, we invite them to play futsal, basketball, volleyball and sepak takraw. The Xiumin guy look like he enjoyed playing the sepak takraw with the other Japanese guy students.

This is the Xiumin guy I talked about. Yeah, you may think that he doesn't look anything like Xiumin but if you meet him in real life, you can actually see the similarities okay, so don't tell me that I'm so obsessed with EXO and I'm just imagining stuffs  ̄^ ̄

And then the teachers called the SMK Seksyen 4 students to gather at the dataran and the Japanese students to gather at the anjung. The teacher that is handling my school students' let the students that need to go home to change their cloth for dinner can go home. She let us out by 6.30pm and she said that we need to be at school at 6.45pm because everyone should already be there. And after I heard she said that, I was kind of panicking because I'ms scared if I can't make it to school by 6.45pm. So I was in a rush going back to home and getting ready, and Thank God that I actually have time to shower and get ready by 6.45pm.
When I arrived at school, most of the students and exchange students are already at the field, which is where the dinner will be held at. And I was lucky to find where my group were sitting without looking so lost and helpless. I sat in between Ena and Nazihah which is a really good thing because I can talk to Ena more and get to know more about her.
I can't remember whose the girl name beside Ena but she's really pretty and she asked me how old I am, and when I said to her that I'm 14, she look so fucking shocked and I don't even know why she reacts that way lol. Then I asked her how old she is and she replied that she's 16 and I asked Ena how long will she stay here in Malaysia and she said that they're staying here for 4 days. I didn't get to know where are they currently staying at while they're in Malaysia because she can't understand me :c
And on every table, the caterers served a plate full of sate with it's sauce. Takada is the first one to taste it but he didn't eat it with the sauce, because he probably don't know how to eat it. And they eat the sate with the sauce after Naz told them they need to eat it with the sauce to make it taste good and not plain. They all look like they're liking the sate but they find it difficult to eat it, but they still keep on adding it to their plate, especially Daichi. He took like 5-6 sticks of sate which make me happy because I'm glad they like it c:
Every group took pictures with the Japanese students before they leave. I only have one decent picture with Ena. And the teacher told us that they already need to go on their bus and go to wherever they're going to after that. I actually felt like crying to be honest, because although I don't know each and every one of them that much, I really feel like we're somehow connected after all of those activites and moments we spent together for the day although we have a hard time communicating with each other.
Oh and it makes me so sad and frustrated that I don't get the chance to have any network sites from Ena because I really want to stay connected with her. And I already miss her after I got back home after the dinner and for the past few days, and I felt so stupid and pathetic because of that. One of my friend, Aina Nadhira Azmi got her exchange student's Twitter and they already follow each other on Twitter and it makes me feel like shit because UURGHRGHGHHH.
The Japanese students sang this after we finished our dinner and before they departed to go on their bus. The lyrics are actually meaningful and nice.
The Only Flower In The World
I was looking at the flowers lined up in front of the florists
We all have our favorite perhaps, but aren't they all beautiful?
Never vying with each other over which is the best
They all stand tall and proud in their buckets
Why are we human beings always trying so hard to compare ourselves?
Trying so hard to be number 1 even though we're each unique and different?
It's true--we are each the one and only flower in the world
Each of us holds the seed of something different
It is enough to give everything we have
To bring that flower into bloom
Smiling with indecision, one customer hesitated a long while
She couldn't help it, I'm sure--any flower that struggles into bloom is beautiful
When she finally came out of the shop, she held in her arms
A bouquet of every color, her face beaming with delight
I did not even know her name, but she smiled at me that day
Like a flower blooming in some forgotten corner
It's true--we are each the one and only flower in the world
Each of us holds the seed of something different
It is enough to give everything we have
To bring that flower into bloom
Small flowers and big flowers
Not one is identical to another
So, you don't have to be Number 1
You've always been the one and only one
And then we take group pictures and stuffs and said goodbye to each other. Before Ena leaves, she said this to me,
"I have a lot of fun today and it is nice to meet you. I hope we can meet again one day."
And can I just cry and hide under my blanket because-
And yes, I really hope that we can meet each other again one day, dear Ena.

So I guess that's the end. Nothing special happened after they leave the school. I went straight back home. And when I got home, I talked to Marina my baby at Twitter. She was actually studying for her exam for the next day, and I distracted her, but we still talk though because I was so excited to tell her what happened at the program and stuffs.
And I'm really sorry if I post this entry late. It's just that I have tuitions and sometimes my dad uses the computer at night so I have no time to write and publish this entry. Goodbye~
Labels: school