This week is probably the most tiring week for me. There are lot of things going on at school and at my house, so it's kind of hard for me to catch up with alll of these things happening and I'm just too weak to handle it.
I also realized that my body is getting weaker, especially on my bones. I don't know how that can happen, I just can feel it. My throat is sore and it's making my voice sounds weird and raspy and hoarse and kind of.... husky? But not in a sexy way, just plain weird for me to say anything. My head feels heavy sometimes and I think that it got to do with the weather because the weather these days are so hot and dry. And I'm also kind of sensitive to the sunlight and it's making me hot and dry, so it's so uncomfortable for me to do things.
And I manage to finish reading one of my books which is They Whisper last week. It's a good book, have some cool quotes (which I highlighted already teehee), and it's a little bit weird and have lots of plot twist and characters in it. Oh, this book should really be rated. It's a REALLY dirty and sexual book, which I don't know about it until I read the content and understand the book, so yeah. Should recommend you not to buy or read it if you're one of those people that can't be open-minded, although the subject or topic is kind of inappropriate oops.
But although I'm really tired, I gotta admit that I have lots of fun in the last week of January (which is this week). I don't know what actually makes me happy and have lots of fun, but I can feel that I'm happy. Because I haven't felt it in a long time already.
I hope February will bring more happiness to me. I really want to make 2013 "worth it" for me because I think that I literally wasted 2012 with stupid things that can actually make me regret whenever I think about it. Bye.