I'm going to list down the things that I want to achieve by the end of this year from now on teehee.

My emotions are really fragile and I really hate it because if someone or anything fucked up my mood, some shit is about to happen and I'm serious. But most of the time, I just shrug them off and punish myself later for being so weak - It depends.


Their judgements and negative comments about me is none of my business and I shall not give a damn about those people because I am busy trying to at least be happy and enjoying my life.

There are still more people out there that I still don't have a chance to get to know and learn and observe and watch and appreciate their existence and- or maybe to stop being a creep.
I really like to observe things, no matter non-living or living things, I like to observe them. How they function, talk, walk, laugh, eat and the other little things about them heheh. No, I'm not judging. I'm learning.

So I can put up all of those amazing books neatly on a shelf in a place where I'll call it as my own home. Sigh, even the thought of it is beautiful.

I reaaaaally want this book of Beth Revis titled A Million Suns!! It's a sequel of one of her books titled Across The Universe which I bought from The Big Bad Wolf at The Mines and I already finished reading it. I feel really lucky because I bought it and the book was magnificent I tell you. And I want to read at least one of John Green's books because he have the best quotes in his books.

2012 is a huge mess for me because of school. I'm not that active, I kind of don't care and don't think about it that much like most of my classmates do. So I'm going to focus more in class this year, do and complete my homeworks and not do it halfway through and leave it just like that, listen when the teacher is talking, wear my glasses more often in class, bring my own textbook and not borrow other people's textbook. omfg I can't help it but to cry and laugh. maybe this is why most teachers avoid me, but oh well.

This is my ultimate goal for 2013. I'm constantly sad and dull in 2012, not gonna lie.

I think that it's not that necessary for me but I think it's cool and amazing so yeah.

Listen. It's okay if you guys are insecure, but please. Please calm down your insecurities, ladies. If you're going to compare yourself to every single person that you see, when will you be happy with yourself? When will you appreciate the things that you have? When will you actually feel blessed to actually feel complete and perfect (in terms of physical)?
If you think that you're fat, do something to make you not to feel fat. If you think that your hair is not healthy/soft and smooth/long/naturally curly and etc., there are people that are diagnosed with cancer (i'm sorry) out there, dying to have your hair. If you think that you're short or too tall, consider yourself lucky because you actually have legs.
You're missing out the fun in life if you're too insecure, and I swear that this is true. I once was also a freak with shitloads of insecurities, and still have. And I got to admit that I feel like I've been losing so much things in life. But then one day, there's this time that I'm insecure of someone or something at that time, my reaction was like "You know what? Fuck it" because I'm tired of being that same old person that is too insecure of everything. So please, calm down and accept your imperfections.

I'm going to cry all the way to the nearest mountain and consider myself to live there with my own tears if I don't get my own bedroom or the chance to change and get rid of old stuffs in my current room on this year.

I'm planning to end 2013 without being in any relationship. I think that my life is better that way pft I don't know.

I really want to know what I'm good at so I won't feel that useless every single time *wipe tears*

Well at least I won't be doing stuff that is wasting my time, especially on the weekends.

It's not a wishlist if I don't include to "get a cat" in the list, bruh. I've been dying to get a cat since I was like 5, you guys don't even know the pain that I'm handling for all of these years ugh.

They are absolutely perfect.

And not feel awkward omfg.

I want to meet my flawless oppars and unnies in real life too.

So that is all. Really didn't expect it too be this long lol. Bye, enjoy this year and make it worth! *throw hearts*
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